My Last Active Written Post
in my Creo by Lady Katutz Blog
was last May 2018 with trailing and
trickling write-ups up to August 2018.
Received such request to come back also to
my Let's Get Scrappy blog as indeed to
show such days as my first Sweet Life years in Crafts
Craft Art, Papercrafts and Artisinal Crafts.
While my Creo by Lady Katutz from
January 2018 to August 2018 had
shown my Mahal Kita years in the same arena of
Crafts: Craft Art, Papercrafts and Artisianl Craft Art.
ON NEWS and News Bitz WITH Glitzy Bitz:
ABC5 with NEWS5 this morning
are Kiddoes and Cool Mom Days to remind me of being a mentor
in High Life arenas of such Kiddoes like sports and modelling
specially of Sporty attire and Sports wear to Sports atteliers
before each one got themselves real jobs too.
(after inspirations from my Roses Films I've also endorsed,
here are excerpts of my post notes and status comment posts in
continuation from Creo by Lady Katutz blog last August 2018. . . )
August 21, 2018: - Have already completed screening 8 out of 10 Sweet Life and Mahal Kita movies and theatrical movies for my Sweet Life and Mahal Kita Movie and Theater Art Expo (2018-2019). Finally able to continue film screening after resting enough from body aches and any manifestations, understanding what stage I am right now . . . from jubilee, already completed Mediatrix . . . that prompted also China to be gracing my 10 Marian churches and also the Xiamen airplane. Got to get to all the movies, movies that i started paying without watching since my gradeschool years (total of 5 movie ticket payments already for only 1 movie screening watching) to add Movie Premieres also with fundraisings of my companies, where at those times i can't find the movie house (non-existent), nor the cinema itself is not the exact cinema, movie posters are different movies and etcetera, but usually movie tickets paid for already. 2 kinds or batches of movie tickets, i did paid thru my mommy, as each are written on someone's ledger to be paid . . . but those where the days, i stayed home, either with fever or stomach aches . . . the other one, they saw myself grown-up and was also asked to double pay the movie ticket to vouch for my 2 family members that went there, one accommodated free due to senior citizen discount . . . Even SM Supermalls knows such things, especially with those senior moments (please ask what year are the goers), as we have our own scheds, some in trifecta, some a round-a-bout after death or on after-life (just call maybe wonderland areas) . . . identified each one in these area as my co-workers and peers under the Accountancy profession and academicians are some who were there, a congratulations - reunion for my Premio Canaletto and my Swiss registered number under the profession with the Philippine Regulatory Commission (PRC) and the Board of Accountancy (BOA) . . . seen the ones i missed the most from the first firm, SGV&Co. . . . these ones are going back to the life to complete and re-build the Risk Management Sector, where they did ask for my paper with my basic formula in risk management and vouched by the Canadian and American sens./sen.s . . Senior citizens i saw on a thursday went in free . . . while (old) NATO did come together as the incumbent NATO meeting ensued a few months ago . . .
Here are my movie listings:
1) Paddington 2 -
british (told british-russian) themed-movie
here's a slideshow presentation for the Film Screening: -
with the presentation are my produit art slideshow too
for possible awarding proto-type ceremonies in artes: -
2) Fifty Shades, Freed -
american-russian themed movie
here's a teaser poster as captionographer /
slideshow presentation for the Film Screening: -
with the presentation are my produit art slideshow too
for possible awarding proto-type ceremonies in artes: -
5) Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again -
3 americas in one take adaptation
here's a slideshow presentation for the Film Screening: -
Poster of Mamma Mia with trailer: -
with the presentation are my produit art slideshow too
for possible awarding proto-type ceremonies in artes: -
6) Mission Impossible (MI) Fallout -
of the Main Order of the Crown keeping all orders of the crowns in all kingdoms within each kingdom
here's a teaser poster as captionographer /
slideshow presentation for the Film Screening: -
with the presentation are my produit art slideshow too
for possible awarding proto-type ceremonies in artes: -
7) Christopher Robinson / Charles Robinson / Christopher Robins -
real live animation adaptation in showing teddy bear year for a teddy bear christmas with the whole winnie d' pooh in or on an Alice in Wonderland (teddy bear - carebear - mother hubbard - goldilocks and bears) tea party
here's a teaser poster as captionographer /
slideshow presentation for the Film Screening: -
with the presentation are my produit art slideshow too
for possible awarding proto-type ceremonies in artes: -
8) Crazy Rich Asians -
national singapore-hongkong queen of star tinseltown adaptation of muhamma and mahatma
here's my summary as events stylist of my own and
a teaser poster as captionographer /
slideshow presentation for the Film Screening: -
with the presentation are my produit art slideshow too
for possible awarding proto-type ceremonies in artes: -
9) My Granny
(my choice for MMFF since hearing the worded story line synopsis year 2016, theme in a nutshell agreed as early as year 2009 . . . and theme showing my family thru many years, every lady ancestors protecting the short to medium-line of ancestry, seeing how it all started up to known friends of my old ancestors that i can remember in semblance up to authentic outfits of the main characters . . . something that has been a long-time our family-driven drive in protecting our existence . . . showing the connection to any country's ancestral domains . .. done in comedy-style in old vaudeville modern comedy theater turned into a movie).
here's a summary of inspiration for
the teaser poster as captionographer /
slideshow presentation and supposed to be for the Film Screening: -
with the presentation are my produit art slideshow too
for possible awarding proto-type ceremonies in artes: -
kathleen margaret charity borja hernandez of creo by lady katutz (cblk),
august 27, 2018
--- looking for the remaining 2 movie screenings to screen . . . looking up the missing 1 movie screening . . . looks like my complete uploads, some were hidden for the meantime . . . all of my uploads, are requests for myself to complete before entering the movie house for the film screening.
bests, - kathleen margaret charity borja hernandez of creo by lady katutz (cblk), august 21, 2018.
10) The Vibrator
(a Philippine Repertory version of a Nord's and Norweigian play manuscript in a 10th version of a verison, was one of the plays I sponsored more than a decade ago, year 2003, also under Repertory Philippines Season's Ticket where I was with many of my friends in the banking regulatory industry . . . only got in to see the play last 2017 with another set of as a Repertory Philippine Season's Ticket only with my younger sister Jill with myself, the year after such of a verizon-kind of badger.)"
here's a summary of inspiration for
the teaser poster as captionographer /
slideshow presentation for the Film Screening: -
with the presentation are my produit art slideshow too
for possible awarding proto-type ceremonies in artes: -
kathleen margaret charity borja hernandez of creo by lady katutz (cblk),
september 8, 2018.
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